Errors & Omissions
Acquisition, Development & Film Library

The Acquisition, Development, and Film Library Errors & Omissions Insurance Policy provides coverage:

  • On a blanket and unscheduled basis for Acquisition and Development, and
  • On a scheduled basis for the Film Library (if any).

The policy protects the protects the production and/or distribution company from various lawsuits that allege:

  • Unauthorized use of names, trade names, service marks, titles, formats, ideas, characters, character names, characterizations, plots, musical compositions, performances, slogans, program material or any similar material
  • Breach of implied or implied-in-fact contract arising out of the alleged submission of any literary, dramatic, musical or other similar material, or breach of trust and confidence arising out of any such submissions.
  • Invasion privacy or publicity
  • Libel, slander or other forms of defamation
  • Infringement of copyright
Eligibility Requirements

Eligibility requirements for the Acquisition, Development and Film Library E&O program include:

  • No prior losses
  • All prior works must have secured E&O coverage (applicable to Film Library)


Coverages available through the Multimedia Production E&O program include:

  • Limits up to 5,000,000
  • Annual Coverage Term
  • Worldwide Coverage Territory
  • Claims Made or Occurrence Coverage Basis
  • Additional Insureds
  • Deductible options from 10,000 up to 100,000

About the Acquisition & Development Component

Acquisition & Development of projects are covered on a blanket basis whilst the project is in the acquisition and development stages of the production cycle. The Acquisition & Development coverage for a given project terminates when either of the following occur:
  • Principal photography commences for any project, program or production
  • Rehearsal commences for any live theatrical production.

When either of the above occur, the Acquisition & Development policy continues in force for other projects that remain in the acquisition and/or development phase. However, productions that have commenced principal photography or live theatrical productions that have commenced rehearsals should purchase coverage via a separate Multimedia Production E&O policy.

About the Film Library Component

The Film Library provides coverage on a scheduled basis for projects:
  • Owned by the insured (or an existing subsidiary)
  • Produced by the insured (or an existing subsidiary)
  • Insured via a production E&O policy at the time of the project's original release or airing.


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